My Little Puppy Paws
03502 37 1/2 ST Gobles, Michigan / (269) 521-3210
My Little Puppy Paws (provider of puppy/dog) shall hereafter be referred to as the ‘seller’. The ORIGINAL purchasing party, hereafter be referred to as the ‘buyer’.
Deposit in the amount of $____________ is NON-REFUNDABLE
– Buyer has 72 hours from date and time of purchase to take animal to a licensed veterinarian for a health inspection at the buyer’s expense.
– Buyer has 7 days from date of purchase to provide seller with a copy of proof of initial veterinarian visit for records and also for buyer to receive certification papers.
– Seller will provide health records upon transfer of ownership of animal, showing worming and up to date shots.
-At NO TIME is the seller responsible for any veterinarian bills incurred.
– Should the animal be determined to be in ill health and the cause is clearly attributed to the seller, the animal, upon presentation of written diagnosis from said veterinarian. be returned for the purchase price or trade for another puppy/dog of equal value. The choice of which is to be determined by the seller/If at such time there is no replacement available, the seller will issue a credit to the buyer for a puppy from the next available litter of the same breed.
-Notification MUST be made within 24 hours of inspection, no exceptions.
-If buyer fails to have the puppy/dog inspected within the allotted time of 72 hours, (or fails to send proof of inspection within 7 days), the sale will be considered FINAL and there will be NO guarantee on said animal.
– Buyer agrees to have animal spayed/neutered at appropriate age, which is normally 6 months to 1 year.
– Buyer also to provide proof of spay/neuter to seller.
– GENETIC DEFECTS: Animal is guaranteed for 1 year from date of purchase from any genetic defects.
– Buyer MUST provide written diagnosis from a licensed veterinarian, at which time seller will confirm diagnosis by a veterinarian of seller’ choice.
– Should the veterinarian not concur with the diagnosis, the matter shall be presented to a third veterinarian mutually agreed upon by the seller and buyer.
– IF IT IS deemed that the animal does have a genetic defect, then the animal will be replaced with another animal of equal value.
– If a replacement puppy is not available, a credit will be issued to the buyer for the next available litter of the SAME BREED.
– The animal with the genetic defect MUST be returned to the seller at the time of the replacement.
– At NO TIME is the seller responsible for any veterinarian expenses accumulated on the replaced or returned puppies/dogs.
GENETIC DEFECT to defined as: genetic to breed, ie. heart, lungs, liver, etc…
NOT described as: Giardia, parvo, coccidia, Kennel Cough etc…
– In the event the animal is sold /given away, this guarantee is null and void.
– AT NO TIME will money be refunded on animal without it being returned to the seller!
– All puppies/dogs will APRI (America’s Pet Registry Inc.) and/or AKC (American Kennel Club) registered.