Hi Mike & Cindy,
I wanted to send you an email to thank you for your webpage (https://mylittlepuppypaws.com/helpful-info/). My family and I recently adopted a new addition – a twelve week old Yorkie who is an absolute delight, but can be a handful of energy at times! Thank you for the information on your site, it’s been very helpful in teaching us about keeping our new pup healthy & safe. 🙂
Have a great day,
Hi Cindy,
We got your VM, My wife Vanessa and our 9 year old daughter, Maranda, are going to give you a call tonight and fill you in on the details. Sufficient to say, BEST DOG (Family member) we have ever had.
Moby was a breeze to train and is like one of our kids. He has never bit/snapped out anyone or even growled. Not in his personality, kids can take food from his mouth with no fear. He never sheds, coat is low maintenance (we groom him about every 4 months and have never brushed him). Is very smart and loves other people and play with other dogs. The breeding is just amazing.
The first picture is of Moby to left and Jasper (Kays dog) to right from this summer. Jasper is also doing very well. As you can see from the 3rd and 4th picture, our 9 year old treats him like a baby and he knows no difference (as the pictures show. Moby will actually sit like that on the couch for an hour, even if left alone, very scary sometimes). Moby loves people and needs to always be by you and/or sitting on your lap. WE LOVE HIM.
Lil Miss Michayla Is here to say,
“So sorry I missed your birthday, and I am wishing you the best year ever!”
I am sorry I missed your birthday too. Unfortunately I didn’t know it was your day back then.
How blessed I am to have met you through your web site. I had no idea at the time that I would meet such a sweet and supportive friend.
The first time I stopped in at your house I called, asked if I could come over and was about 20 minutes away. What I found was several well groomed dogs, all friendly and out going welcoming me at the door.( When going to a breeders home a person never knows what to expect.) I was quite pleased.
It was so cute to see them all respond to their names when you talked to them.
Well I have since that time, dropped in on you several times, in the middle of doggy bathes, grooming and Jenettia running dogs to and from the vet for teeth cleanings and vaccinations. One thing is for sure, you love your dogs and they come first and live as part of your family, not locked up in a bunch of tiny kennels. How very refreshing.
It was unplanned when Michayla joined our family, but that little girl has the sweetest, gentlest personality. She is great with my small grandson, the other dogs, cat and strangers. Not to mention Michayla is great company for me, and is my shadow.. Just another feather in your cap for raising well socialized animals.
Thank you for being you,
God bless you this day and always,
love, Marilyn & Michayla
Name: Andreou Family That Bought( Maddie) A Tri Female Coton
Description: We are sure she was born to a wonderful breeder. Maddie is 25 weeks and about 7.5 pounds now. I must tell you she is an absolute joy. She is wonderful!! She is funny, loving,and intelligent. Marissa has trained her to waive hello, to stand up and say her prayers, and other adorable tricks. House training is not going so well, even with a crate but we have to make sure we are training her and not visa versa. The Vet says she is in perfect health. There is no doubt that she has earned a spot in our hearts and is a part of the family and we are grateful to you for such a sweet pet. She was so cute dressed up for Halloween. We will send pictures soon! If you ever need any recommendations for your Coton’s we would only give raving reviews! Most Warmly oh ya I forgot she is like a little kitty, she loves string. Also whenever she sees you after your seperated from her she roles on her back and says pet me pet me. from, Marissa Andreou
Name: Callen Family (Heidi) Last Litter Female Coton
Description: Hello Cindy, I thought I would touch base with you regarding Gabrielle. She is doing just fine. She has been a very busy puppy. She spent her first 2 wks at home with us helping me care for my brother(had a heart attack- but is doing fine now). Gabrielle loves to play with my brothers female chihuahua. The next week she spent with us at our county fair, she loves to camp. The next week she spent with us in Portage Lake, Mi, on vacation. We were very popular, but it was our dog people found most interesting. I gave several people the name of your website. She had a round of shots on Monday which left her very sore. She was pretty much back to normal today but I was’nt sure she was going to forgive me. Wow, is she ever sensitive. She is doing pretty well with housebreaking. She still has her accidents but we are working on it. I think once my kids go back to school I will be able to get her on a more rigid potty schedule. She is also getting along pretty well withmy outdoor dogs. I finally decided to let them get to know each other. They are tolerating her pretty well. She likes our 90lb. black lab the best. She really seems to want to bond with him. Believe it or not I think my 12 yr.old daughter has actually taught her to sit already. I did’nt really believe it when she told me but I tried it tonight myself and she really did it! She is a smart puppy. Anyway, I know you were probably wondering about her and I wanted to fill you in on everything. My husband is very fond of her. I think it is nice for him to be able to hold her and pet her without any allergic reaction at all. We are compiling pictures of her and I will forward some of them on to you. Thanks so much! Dee Callen
Name: Torgerson Bought A Wee-chon(Possum) Last July
Description: Hi Cindy! Just wanted to send you another picture of Possum (Born last July). We got her in Sept. She is still the most wonderful dog. Everyone around here loves her and she is so friendly with other animals and people alike. She
Name: Wee-chon /Jazzee
Description: Cindy, So good to hear from you this week. As I mentioned, we are doing great and each day and night gets better and better. I have fallen in love with Jazzee and am so glad to have her. She is fun and does something new and funny everyday. My family has also fallen in love especially my mom and step dad. She spent Wednesday late morning until early evening and my mom said she was funny and very playful. Of course, she is going to be a very spoiled girl. She is loveable and will be the best companion. We will send pictures soon as I need to pull them off the camera and put them on the computer to send. Thanks for being so great and I am glad we met. Stay warm. More soon. Jean & Jazzee
Name: Wee-chon/ Dughall
Description: Hi Cindy Just to let you know that Doogie is amazing!!! He only gets up once at night…about 2:30 and otherwise, sleeps quietly in his crate. He is eating and playing and seems very adjusted to his new home. I can’t tell you how many people have said that he is the cutest puppy they have ever seen and I agree with them. He’s the closest thing to a stuffed animal that I’ve ever seen. He isn’t shy with our other dog and barks at her when he wants to play. We love him!!!!! and can’t thank you enough. Our trip to the Vet on Saturday was Aok…no worms or any other problems either. I’ll send pictures soon when he gets a little bigger. Thanks again and Happy Christmas to you and yours. Here are two pictures of Dughall playing with her BIG sister, Maxie. They are so funny! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks again for the WONDERFUL puppy….he couldn’t be more loved! liz
Name: Wee-chon Adult
Description: I always kept your site on our favorite. We bought a wee-chon puppy from you in May of 07. We are from Elkhart IN. My husband Tim and son Bill and I traveled up to see your puppies. We chose the wee-chon and boy were we glad. We feel like we won the puppy lottery! She is the most wonderful dog we have ever had. She is about 12 pounds and a bundle of love and energy. Pepper is easy to care for and no matter where we go people fall in love with her. I’m so glad you have a new site, now I can direct people here when they ask where we got our wonderful dog. So how are you two doing? We keep saying we should travel up that way again, it really was a pretty drive up. Also truly just out of curiosity will you be having any wee-chon puppies this spring? People keep asking me where to get one. There are a few people around here now that are breeding them, but we got such a wonderful puppy from you two that I just don’t think I would ever trust someone elses. Take care and hopefully we will hear from you soon. Have a Happy Holidays. Tina Ronan
Name: Westie (Weston)
Description: Hi Cindy! I just wanted to send some pictures of Weston and give you an update! He is doing great here and learning new things very quickly. The vet said we have a great puppy, he is perfectly healthy and a great looking Westie. He is very well behaved, and potty training has turned out to be pretty simple. He is really smart! He knows to sit and play fetch already, and he goes to the door when he needs to go potty. He loves to drag his bed in front of the fireplace and lay with his favorite toy. He is so easy to wash too! He loves taking a bath in the sink, and having mom brush his hair. He is very popular; everybody loves him and he is very happy to meet new people and dogs! We could not be more happy with him, or more thankful that we found you guys! I have been telling everyone to check out your website, and letting them know that you and your dogs are well worth the drive! We will send another update and more pictures soon. Thanks Again, Hi Cindy! I just wanted to let you know that I did receive your message the other day-we’ve just been really busy! I think it is great that you still check up on us and Weston; it is nice to know that you care so much about your puppies. We just got done looking at your website and the new litter of Westies, and I think eventually one of his brothers may have to join our family too! He is doing great, and enjoying his first summer so far. He enjoys riding in our Jeep with the top off, and he just went on his first canoe/swimming trip (pictures attached)! He is so well behaved and loving-we couldn’t ask for a better dog. Good luck with the new litter! You never know…you may see us again! Have a great summer, Aprille and Tommy Traverse City, MI
Name: Cavachon Adult (Mia)
Description: Hi Cindy, We thought we would send you an updated photo of Mia. She is from your Jan 08 litter. She is a great dog, perfect in every way. We are so glad that we found her on your site. Randy & Cheryl Brill
Name: Westie (MasonFamily)
Description: Potty training is going very well. To date, she’s had only 4 accidents, two #1’s and two #2’s. The #2’s were accidents due to us not recognizing her cues… she will start to bark and chase her tail when she needs to go. In the beginning we thought she was just chasing her tail. Her schedule is every 1 hour –> 1.5 hours. At night I take her out @ 3 a.m. and between 5:30 –> 6 a.m. She does have a Jeckly and Hyde personality. Starting every evening @ 7 p.m. she starts to terrorize everything for 30 minutes. Once it’s out of her system, she’s back to her normal self. Have a good day, Scott
Name: Wee-chon Porter Family
Description: Hi Cindy: I could not wait to send some photos of Gracie. The photos are 8 weeks (sitting on couch), 3-4 months in pink blanket, and right before St. Patty’s day, about 6 months. Thanks for bringingOn November 25, 2008, Gracie came into our lives (her litter was 9-30-08). We have always been an animal family. Our prior Wee-Chon lived 15 years but passed away. Gracie has filled such a void in our lives. She is playful, loving, extremely energetic, smart, and cute. Everyone who has met her has been impressed with her friendliness. Gracie wants to play with everyone and all other animals. If you have kids or any other pets, this is the breed for you. We just finished puppy school and Gracie learned the commands and tricks quickly. Gracie
Name: Westie Male (Toto) Babik Family
Description: Thank you for the Puppy (Toto). He is such a great dog. Since we brought him home he has been nothing but a loving part of our family. We took him to the vet and she was amazed at how you kept records of all his shots, as well as all his shots being up to date. She (the Vet) said she has NEVER seen a breeder that has kept such complete records with all a Puppies shots and just about EVERYTHING that has ever happened with the dog. The Puppies shots were so up to date I had to wait 2 weeks before she could even give him any new shots. She said that the Puppy was in EXCELLENT health and was a great looking Puppy. He was so nice to take home. I was able to potty train him in 3 days as well as he sleeps in our bed and he is so smart. All this comes back to proper breeding and a Puppy that was brought up as part of the family at the breeders home rather than just another dog for sale. You should be proud as a breeder and I would NEVER buy another dog from anywhere but from you. Babik Family
Name: Coton De Tulear
Description: Dear Cindy; Last summer, my husband was talking to our grandchildren about getting a dog. I was not in favor of it. We have no children at home and our life style is very busy. However, I finally gave in when my grandson was almost in tears wanting a dog. I said if we get a dog, it will be his also to help take care of. Even though they live 3 miles away, I wanted him to have a sense of ownership and responsibility for this addition. We came to your house. Believe me when I said my heart was not in this. However, my husband wanted a dog very much so I conceded. We selected the smallest Coton you had. Well, he is the LOVE in our household. We cannot wait to get home to him during the day as well as sharing each evening with him. Wherever we take him, people always stop us as ask us about him. People take pictures of him on the cell phones and send them to people. He is a love I must say. He is so good, sweet, fun, and what a personality. He really has added a wonderful new dimension to our home. Carol Eisenshtadt
Name: Meiss Family/ Cavachon
Description: Hi Cindy
Name: Carpenter Family Cavachon
Description: HI Cindy- I just wanted to let you know that “Max” is doing great. He is such a frisky little guy and is so playful. When we got home on Sunday, the kids gave him the toys they had bought for him and he started playing with the toys right away. Literally from the minute we came home he has been so energetic and loving. He is on his way to potty training in his spot outside and has only had minimal accidents inside the house. I am so proud. The crate training is going great. He howled the entire first night and part of the second but since then has only just a whimper here and there. So amazing, since Tues night he will go into his crate for the night at around 10:00 and not get up until 7:00 without have had any accidents. He is such a blessing to our family and we thank you for him. I hope you both are enjoying some peace and quiet (until your next litter of puppies:) . Don’t forget to spritz yourself with a little pretty spray to make you feel good; that is what I do. I will write again. Hugs, Jen
Name: Alisa Burgess Cavachon
Description: Good Morning! 🙂 Dash is doing great! My sister keeps giving me a hard time saying that it’s not fair because he’s such a perfect puppy 🙂 he’s only had one accident in the house so far. I have him in his crate at night next to my bed and he goes right to sleep, no wining. He has woken me up 2-3 times per night wimpering because he has to go potty, so i bring him outside, he does his business and he goes right back to sleep. Just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know he’s adjusting well 🙂
Name: Kazer Family Wee-chon/ Willow
Description: Her potty training is getting better everyday, now that she’s settled in. Today, she actually went to the back door twice to go out! We watch her like a hawk. She’s also a very good eater and she’s getting better at going up the stairs. Thank you for breeding such a wonderful puppy. Willow’s doing great! Mojo(Jack Russell) and her have become friends already. She ‘s very affectionate and makes everyone laugh. Her vet said she’s very healthy. I’ll send you pictures very soon. By the way, what kind of brush do you recommend for her? Stella
Name: Mark And Shirin Wee-chon
Description: Hi Cindy, Hope all is well. Just wanted to send you some pictures of Moose. He is growing fast, has tons of energy, and potty training is not going so well. 🙂 Enjoy! Shirin
Name: Megan And Ryan Vree Wee-chon (Charlie)
Description: Hi Cindy, Where do we start? We love Charlie, our Wee-Chon, sooo much! He is so smart and he potty trained very easily. He gets so many compliments when we are out walking him. He is very sweet and playful. His ears are up now. For a while one was up and one was down. People think that he is a Westie. The top of his head has curly hair like his dad, the Bichon, but that is just about all the Bichon we see. Thanks for such a great dog! Megan and Ryan Vree Here are some pictures: “Det. Tiger’s puppy” “Who am I? Westie or Bichon?”
Name: Laura
Description: Bought a male and female yorkie-ton from a past litter out of my female coton Holli
Name: Adult Westie (Eva)
Description: Hi Cindy, I know this update is long over due. Eva has been a joy. She was very easy to potty train. Some it may have been that it was so cold so she wanted to get back in as quick as possible. When the snow started to melt she had some difficulty. She would search the entire yard for a little bit of snow so she could go potty on it. She spent a couple of weekend up at Torch Lake and enjoyed wading in the lake but was a little nervous about swimming. She is doing great with the other dogs we have, a German Shorthair and a red and white Irish Setter (we call them her brothers). She loves playing with them out side. She was not a digger until she saw one of the other dogs do it. Now she won’t make her own hole but she will work on this one hole in the yard. She also loves chasing bugs especially in the evening with lightning bugs. She is a great dog and is currently in beginner obedience classes. She does very well, picking up new commands very quickly. She passed her puppy obedience class with flying colors and is an AKC Star Puppy. Eva brightens my day every day. Thank you, Lydia
Name: Wee-chon Female (sweet Pea)
Description: We have so many cute pics of Sweet Pea and we love her so much! I thought you might enjoy seeing this one of her showing off in the flowers on vacation! She is/was a tough one to potty train – but she walks well on a leash, she will sit and stay and do lots of other tricks! She is very energetic, but always wants to be wherever we are in the house, and she sleeps all night with no problem now. Everywhere we take her, people are curious about the breed and some ask about the breeder, so we have given your name out on several occasions. Hope things are doing well with you! Joni (and John, and Sweet Pea) Joanne Knight Secretary to the Superintendent Allegan Public Schools
Name: Molly Born 3/20/10
Description: Hi Cindy! I wanted to give you an update on Molly. She has brought so much joy to my life 🙂 She has the cutest personality and we are very attached to each other! It has been a lot more work than I expected but she is well worth it and it has been getting easier as time goes on. She loves to sit in the sun, go for walks, and chase after her ball. I attachted a few pics of her throughout the past few months. Thanks again for everything! She was meant to be with me 🙂 Take care! Kim Dworkin
Name: Wee-chon Adult (Sammy)
Description: Hello Cindy! Sammy is doing absolutely fine. He is a loveable clown and an important part of the family. He loves everybody and everything (especially food). He takes me for a 2.5 Km walk at least twice a day (usually more). No matter what time of the day or night, all you have to do is say the magic word: “walk” and he runs and gets his leash and brings it to you in preparation for his favorite activity. We absolutely adore this little dog and his endearing personality. There isn’t a day that goes by that we do not mention what a wonderful choice this puppy has been for us. I wish I had the room to fill up the whole house with these wonderful dogs. Please find enclosed some pics of Sam both with and without his haircut. Personally, I love him with the short hair – kids like him with the long hair. Have a GREAT holiday. Ron
Name: Mary Raterink- Westie Male Puppy
Description: Hi Grandma, I just wanted to let you know that I made it to my new home and all is well! I liked the car ride…that was fun. Then we got to this place that Mommy and Daddy called my new home. I think I’m gonna like it! I got lots of toys and we played for a long time. Then I took a nap with Mommy on the couch….. Mommy says everything I do is darling…………..whatever that means! I’ll keep in touch but I wanted to let you know that I like my new home. Mommy said to make sure that I tell you “hi” and thank you for everything!!! Baby O
Name: Westie- Molly
Description: Cindy, Molly is doing very well. We are extremely happy with our new little love! She is doing well with the potty training. She rings the bell to go out that we have hanging by the door. If we are paying attention, she does very well. I’ve been working with her on tricks. She can shake, sit up and roll over for a treat. We can see how dedicated you are to your dogs and puppies. And it really shows in the personalties of the puppies. Thank you. Linda
Name: Charlotte/ Bichon & Yorkie Mix Called Yo-chon
Description: So glad I have Charlotte—she has already brought me so much joy–have not felt this much happiness in 3 years with all I went through losing my cat, dog, and then the love of my life , Jim . I’m sure you can relate—Charolotte has given me a renewed sense of worth and she is such good company—she is soooooo funny–just love pups, ya know. I’m so glad I found your website last winter and continued to check for new pups–it was meant to be–I’m convinced of that– Thank you and Mike so much for bringing new joy into my life with this pup. It really means alot to me. Get back with me when ya have the time– Hey Cindy, Charlotte’s vet exam came out just fine–just what I expected. Everybody there went goo-goo over her. Of course I had to brag about what a good pup she has been and talk about her breed and your breeding business. Four people had to hold her and she was taken back by an employee to the staff to show her off before I even got taken back to an exam room She is a hit!!! Just wanted to let ya know— Hugs–Anne
Name: Coton & Yorkie Mix (yorkie-ton) Kody
Description: Hi Cindy, Koz and Marietta said I should write you and let you know that this place is kick A_ _. I have a doggie door and I can go in and out anytime I want- no waiting for maid service! I still have a little bit of trots- its the new water!!! My big brother is real standoffish but I just insist on him playing. hee hee Its ok cuz The Grandma dog really loves me.I miss you but I think I will live here cuz all the visitors really like me. Not one accident today cuz I can go outside anytime and if i have to hurry they put these pee pee pads all for me-I still love you- Dear Grandma I am such a good boy- I poop and pee outside now with my big brother- There are lots ofcarpets here in my new house but when I used to leave my presents on them- Daddywould tell me ” NO NO! Pee pee – Poo Poo Outside” I could not figure out whatlanguage he was talking . When my big brother taught me how to raise my leg and pee on the fence I decided I loved to dothat. We used to bark a lot outside, at the neighbors dogs but Mama says “No Bark” and we better stop quick or she yells it again and meansit- So I don’t get much barking time anymore. “Geesh!!” Mama does not like me to lick her hands so I don’t do that anymore either. Her foot tastes better anyway. My Daddy tells me “sit” when they open the front door so I guess I can’t run outside anymore unless I am invited. poop! I did get into some big trouble last week- I ate a chair- it was darngood too- But Mama and Daddy tell me “Good Boy” for everything else. I hear them talk about me and they say something about “Smart” I can’t come see you because I am busy learning lotsa new things thatmeans lotsa homework so I need more sleep than I used to get. Bow Wow for now Kody Kozlik PS. Mama wants to talk to you now Hi Cindy He is just the cutest little keeper- Most of the wrinkles are workedout with him except for his love of tearing up paper and Kleenex!!! Hugzzzzzzzzzz Marietta
Name: Wee-chon Female Foster Family New Mexico
Description: Hi Cindy, Sorry for being so late in giving you an update on Mi Hijita, formerly Sarah. She has been a dream come true for us. From the first moment she came into our lives, she felt instantly at home while showing no sign of home sickness. She has seen the vet twice and her health is excellent. Unfortunately, she has to take an extra vaccination, because the vet does not have much respect for breeders. The vet does like Mi Hijita. She is growing like a weed. She weighted 3 lbs. 2 ozs. when we first got her. This morning she weighed 5 lbs. even. I know you are curious about the name Mi Hijita. This is an endearing term one hears from hispanic parents when addressing their children. It translates to my little darling daughter. To pronounce the name properly you must remember that i’s sound like e’s, h’s are silent, j’s sound like h’s. Two i’s can’t run together. Thus, Mee Heeta. So, Mi Hijita has as a short message for you. I will send photos as soon as I can get something more than a white blur or a sleeping puppy. She is never still when awake. Jerry Dear Grammie, I have to call you Grammie because all the Grannies, Gramas, Grandmothers, etc. are all use up in this family. I am so happy to be here. I miss you, but not all that much, tee hee. You can’t believe how big the world really is out there. After my plane ride with Becky, I was so tired that I slept all the way home for two solid hours. I have this really neat carrier that I sleep in and travel in. I go to work with my Daddy every day. We manage an RV Resort. I guess I am just the Resort mascot, but that is a job. Anyway, I have my Daddy wrapped around my little paw. My Mommy too. She is really good to me also, but I can’t go to work with her so I spend most of the time with Daddy. I have all sorts of great toys. I keep them in my play pen. My diet is very good. Besides the dried puppy food, I get a small amount of Little Cesars Puppy food, along with my Honey Nut Cheerios, each morning. We have a really big yard that I want to explore more and more, but I am not allowed to go free. Our house overlooks the largest lake in New Mexico, but there are no trees and it is very dry here. My skin is dry and itchy, but I am acclimating to the dry air. Well, it is almost time for dinner, so I will write again soon. Love and puppy kisses, Mi Hijita
Name: Tina Ronan- Wee-chon Dog
Description: Hi Mike and Cindy,Our family and Wee-Chon Pepper are doing well. We were shocked a few months ago when a young couple came walking down the street with what my husband Tim and I just knew was a wee-chon. We approched them and asked and sure enough it was a wee-chon and want to guess who they got it from…? Yes you two! Apparently Bosco was from the litter prior to Pepper’s from the year before. So they both had the same parents Sparkles and Paige. We haven’t seem them recently so unsure if they are still living near by, but that was so cool. They said their dog was just as wonderful as Pepper. See it just goes to prove that you raise quality puppies. Take care and God Bless!
Name: Westie Dog/ Toby (Mary A Hamm)
Description: Hi Cindy – Just to let you know that Toby is doing well and has lost his sharp baby teeth! He has had 2 clippings and will be due another one in couple weeks, they say he is a good puppy! I’m really enjoying him and he is almost housebroken due to the fact he hasn’t figured out to tell me he has to go potty. He knows the difference between potty & poop! He’ s so darn cute that I love him to pieces. Just loves to greet people and plays with family dogs. Thanks for raising a wonderful puppy. Hope you are enjoying this cool weather for a change. Best Wishes, Mary Ann
Name: Tubby-Westie, Owner Jenettia Gay
Description: Tubby has been a WONDERFUL additon to our family. He gets along GREAT with everyone. He’s got such an awesome personality!! I am so very glad we have him in our family. He’s doing something all the time to make us laugh. He’s such a lover-boy as well. Can not thank you enough for introducing us to the Westie breed! Tubby says ” I love my new home, and love my new family! I was not to sure about the white stuff mommy calls snow, but I sure am enjoying it now! Click on my picture and you will see a couple more of me, which one shows how much I am loving the winter weather. Thanks for finding me an awesome home to go to!”
Name: 3 Year Old Cavachon
Description: I can not say thank you enough for my amazing dog! Dash will be three in June and I can’t imagine my life without him. Some people breed dogs for their own personal benefit but I truly believe you do it for the love of your puppies. Over the past years I’ve only met a few other cavachons and I may be bias but Dash is by far the cutest and most friendly, and I write that up to good breeding :). I hope you are doing well!Send me your email address and I’ll send you a few new pictures of Dash :)Alisa Questions/Comments: I can not say thank you enough for my amazing dog! Dash will be three in June and I can’t imagine my life without him. Some people breed dogs for their own personal benefit but I truly believe you do it for the love of your puppies. Over the past years I’ve only met a few other cavachons and I may be bias but Dash is by far the cutest and most friendly, and I write that up to good breeding :). I hope you are doing well!Send me your email address and I’ll send you a few new pictures of Dash :)Alisa
Name: Westie Molly
Description: Linda Stevens Longcore We picked kids up from school. Played cards with Jenna. Puppy Molly thinks she needs to be right on the table with the card game. We let her as long as she lays there still. She is so SPOILED!
Name: Owner Debbie Lathrop/ AKC Gold Yorkie
Description: Here is a picture of Goldie. She is a wonderful part of the family. Thank you for allowing us to purchase her. She weighs about 3 pounds and just had her first haircut at the groomers.
Name: Mi-ki & Coton De Tulear
Description: Cindy, Happy Thanksgiving! Just wanted to let you know that things are going very well with our miki-coton, who is really friendly and fun! We are having a ball, and he is also! He is healthy at eighteen weeks old and over five pounds. He loves to hang around beside the kids and us, greets everyone – even the vet – with love and wagging tail, was unusually easy to train, and likes to run along with us. Seems that everyone he meets comments on his good nature and friendliness, so much that they would like to purchase one of your dogs. Thanks a million!
Description: Took Anson .. (That is his name and is name of the street that Trevor was born and raised on in England) .. To the vet this morning and he has a clean bill of health :-). He is getting along with the other dogs and just a great little spirited guy that wants to be part of everything. We have of course fallen in love and he is already part of the family. See pic below .. We will send more soon.
Best  Kim
We love our little Westie puppy, Carlee. She was 10 weeks old when this photo was taken. Carlee is a healthy, playful, smart little bundle of energy. She learned how to “sit,” “stay,” “come” and “down” within the first week we had her. Now we are working on “shake hands.” She also knows how to walk on a leash and is learning to “potty outside” very quickly. She now sleeps in her crate all night without a peep. It was obvious to us when we visited Cindy’s house–once when Carlee was four weeks old and again to pick her up at nine weeks–that she devotes her life to her dogs. There were several small breeds at all different ages interacting with each other playfully and happily. Carlee came to us well socialized and very friendly toward people and other dogs. Whenever we had a question, before picking her up, or once we got her, Cindy answered us immediately and provided the information we were seeking. We are very happy with our darling new family member, and we think she likes her new home, too. The transition has been a smooth one for her.
Hi Cindy,
Here a few pictures of Lucy. She is such a good girl! She loves going to school with me and loves the kids. She is so good with them and for them. My teachers absolutely love her too. My husband is so good with her, you should see them snuggle together! She’s definitely my shadow but she goes to sit with him if I’m not in the living room. She’s house trained-she learned that really quick. We did a basic obedience class and she’s done well with that too. She is going for her operation next week to be spade. I’m a nervous mother all over again! Lol! She has become such a big part of our family and we are very thankful for her this Thanksgiving. I hope you have a nice holiday season.
Take care,
Denise & Lucy